
The module.

Tile coordinates start at x=0,y=0.


    local map = require("")


load (map, tileset, tileWidth, tileHeight) Load a map from a file.

Map object

:draw (x, y[, offsetX=0[, offsetY=0[, width=400[, height=240]]]]) Draw (a part of) the map on the screen.
:unload () Unload a map.
:getSize () Return the size of a map.
:getTile (x, y) Return the value of a tile.
:setTile (x, y, value) Set the value of a tile.
:setSpace (x, y) Set the space between draw tiles (in pixels).


load (map, tileset, tileWidth, tileHeight)
Load a map from a file.


  • map string/table path to the .map or a 2D table containing tile data ({ [Y1]={[X1]=tile1, [X2]=tile2}, [Y2]=..., ... })
  • tileset texture containing the tileset
  • tileWidth number tile width
  • tileHeight number tile height


    map loaded map object


  1. nil in case of error
  2. string error message

Map object

:draw (x, y[, offsetX=0[, offsetY=0[, width=400[, height=240]]]])
Draw (a part of) the map on the screen.


  • x integer X top-left coordinate to draw the map on the screen (pixels)
  • y integer Y top-left coordinate to draw the map on the screen (pixels)
  • offsetX integer drawn area X start coordinate on the map (pixels) (x=0,y=0 correspond to the first tile top-left corner) (default 0)
  • offsetY integer drawn area Y start coordinate on the map (pixels) (default 0)
  • width integer width of the drawn area on the map (pixels) (default 400)
  • height integer height of the drawn area on the map (pixels) (default 240)


    -- This will draw on the screen at x=5,y=5 a part of the map. The part is the rectangle on the map starting at x=16,y=16 and width=32,height=48.
    -- For example, if you use 16x16 pixel tiles, this will draw the tiles from 1,1 (top-left corner of the rectangle) to 2,3 (bottom-right corner).
    map:draw(5, 5, 16, 16, 32, 48)
:unload ()
Unload a map.
:getSize ()
Return the size of a map.


  1. number width of the map, in tiles
  2. number height of the map, in tiles
:getTile (x, y)
Return the value of a tile.


  • x number X position of the tile (in tiles)
  • y number Y position of the tile (in tiles)


    number value of the tile
:setTile (x, y, value)
Set the value of a tile.


  • x number X position of the tile (in tiles)
  • y number Y position of the tile (in tiles)
  • value number new value for the tile
:setSpace (x, y)
Set the space between draw tiles (in pixels).


  • x number X space (in pixels)
  • y number Y space (in pixels)
generated by LDoc 1.4.3 Last updated 2017-06-05 14:35:27